Pastor's Message
Welcome to the Lutheran Church of the Master
Thank you for visiting our website. If you have opened this link it is quite possible that you are curious about the flavour of our congregation. This is excellent because curiosity and wonder is what leads us beyond ourselves into gratitude, compassion, generosity and awe.
I invite you to come and visit our church when our congregation has gathered. This happens at 11:00 am on Sunday mornings, among other times.
So what are we about?
In order for there to be a church there has to be people. At the heart of the Christian way is humility. The root of this word is "humus", which is the same root of the word "human". To be humble and human is the "be on the earth". The Bible provides many examples of earthy characters, like the folks who make up our congregation.
I'm a big fan of humus (not the Mediterranean veggie dip, but the complex carbon molecules that comprise our soil), as I happen to be a farmer. Along with my family we manage a grazing operation on about 3000 acres. One thing that I spend a lot of time thinking about as a farmer and a pastor is what does an earthy faith look like in a cyber connected world? I am grateful that the bible was written in a time when people lived close to the earth. These ancient texts have much to teach us about being human.
More than just the presence of people a church requires God. We believe that God is compassionate. This means that God is willing to suffer with us. We see this on the cross and we witness this in the care and concern that people express for each other in good times and in bad. The name Emanuel means "God with us". And we believe that God is with us. Our Sunday gathering is an invitation to pause in a hectic world and re-centre our thoughts and posture towards God's good and gracious promises.
The last thing a church requires to be a church is mission. God's mission is to renew and animate people and their communities with life. Forgiveness, healing, hope and companionship are some of the core tools that God employs for mission. We believe that God has a mission for the communities that comprise this city, our neighborhoods, schools and workplaces. Because God gets involved with our earthy activities our everyday lives become holy endeavors. Our efforts are conducted in faith that God will use our talents and relationships to renew and animate this planet with life. Abundant life. This is a big vision of God's mission and there is room for everyone.
We are a humble congregation. We cherish God's compassionate involvement in our everyday lives. With joy (and some fear) we ask God to lead us into our communities. This is what we are about. It ain't fancy, but it's real. All are welcome.
Past Sermons
3rd Sunday of Advent - Dec. 18 - N/A
2nd Sunday of Advent - Dec. 8 - WATCH HERE
1st Sunday of Advent - Dec.1st "Hope" WATCH HERE
"Sermon for December 1st" WATCH
"Rein of Christ Sunday" - Nov. 24th A message delivered by Garth Hein WATCH HERE
"Sermon for November 17th" WATCH
"All Saints Sunday" - Nov. 3rd "Jesus Wept" A true story shared by one of our members. A must to listen to WATCH HERE
"Reformation Sunday" - Oct. 27th "Reformation is at work in us" WATCH HERE
Octobrt 20th - "Open our Hearts" WATCH HERE
"Reformation Sunday" - Oct. 27th "Reformation is at work in us" WATCH HERE
Octobrt 20th - "Open our Hearts" WATCH HERE
October13th - "Thanks for Nothing" WATCH HERE
September 29th - Gospel and Sermon
September 29th - Gospel and Sermon
September 22nd - Gospel and Sermon
September 15th -Gospel and Sermon
September 8th - Gospel and Sermon
September 1st - click Gospel and Sermon
August 25th - click HERE
August 11th - click HERE
August 4th - click HERE
July 28th - click HERE
July 14th - click HERE
July 7th - click HERE
Sunday April 14th - click HERE
Below is a two day narrative and the build up to Easter Sunday written by Pastor Tim, and delived by multiple members of the congregation. It tells the story of the Passover in laymans terms. Here are the link's, enjoy!* Thursday March 28th click HERE* Friday March 29th click HERE* Easter Sunday March 31st, click HERE
Sunday February 11th, 2024. SERMON
The sermon for Sunday, January 14th, by Rev. Tim Wray. who serves Lutheran Church of the Master in Airdrie, AB. The YouTube Link for direct sharing and posting online: