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    • Oct3Thu

      Weekly Update - Oct.6

      October 3, 2024
      Filed Under:
      Weekly Updates

      1.  Recurring Dates and Notices

      • (Bi-weekly) Midweek Communion 10:30 Wednesday Oct. 9, 23
      • (Monthly) Church Council Meeting - Oct. 10, Workshop Oct. 21
      • (Monthly) Ladies Breakfast , Oct 19, 9 am, Cheryl’s Country Kitchen
      • (Weekly) Confirmation Class - Wednesdays 4:30 on Zoom

      2.  Calling for helpers!

      Following today’s service, helpers are needed to stack all sanctuary chairs on the perimeter of the room in preparation of the fans being replaced and the beams being dusted. Please see Aaron Masson if you can help.

      3.  Reformation Sunday (October 27) and New Members Potluck

      Please join us as we recognize all new Lutheran Church of the Master members on Reformation Sunday. Following service, there will be a German-themed potluck. Look for the sign-up sheets in the Narthex.

      4.  Missed A Service? or Looking to Build Your Faith?  

      Tune into our LCM's pod casts. Below are the youTube pod cast from September. Our collection offers inspiring messages from Sunday services.  They are perfect for listening during quiet moments, or any time of day.  Only sermons that are delivered from  Pastor Tim will be shared on the website. 

      *NEW September 29th - Gospel and Sermon

      *NEW September 22nd - Gospel and Sermon