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    • May10Fri

      Weekly Update - May 12th

      May 10, 2024
      Filed Under:
      Weekly Updates

      1.  Recurring Dates and Notices

      • (Bi-weekly) Midweek Communion 10:30 Wednesday May 22, June 5
      • (Monthly) Church Council Meetings - Next Council meeting June 13
      • (Monthly) Ladies Breakfast Sat., May 18, 9 am, Cheryl’s Country Kitchen
      • (Weekly) Airdrie House of Prayer - Wednesdays 12-1 pm St. Francis Anglican
      • (Weekly) Confirmation Class – Wednesdays on Zoom, 4:45 pm
      • (Weekly) Airdrie Youth Group – Saturdays at 6:30 pm LCM
      • (Weekly) Quilting Group – Thursday mornings 9:30 am - noon

      2.  Quilts for Sale

      Quilts made by the Quilting Group will be on display over the next three Sundays. They are available to purchase for $50 each. Proceeds will go to Canadian Lutheran World Relief (CLWR). Contact Velma Wray for purchase.

      3.  Dates in the Wider Church

      May 18-20, Camp Work Bee

      June 22-24 Synod Convention

      4.  Kuriakos Family May Days - stay at camp for free! May 17-19. Enjoy a family weekend of spring cleanup at the camp. Your support is appreciated!