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- Recurring Dates and Notices
- (Bi-weekly) Midweek Communion -10:30 am, Wed. January 18 and Feb 1
- (Monthly) Church Council Meeting - Thursday February 9, 7 pm
- (Monthly) Ladies Breakfast - Third Saturday, 9 am, Ricky’s All-Day Grill
- (Weekly) Confirmation Classes - Wednesdays, 6:30 pm
- (Weekly) Quilting - every Thursday at 9 am. All are welcome!
2. Updating the Church Photo Directory - Photo sessions for our congregation families will be Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Feb 2-4. Sign up will be through this LINK
3. Prayer Requests -Glad Nelson is beginning chemotherapy after several years of reprieve from a cancer diagnosis.
4. Secret Sister Tea -Mark your calendars! 4, 1:00-3:00 at the church. Karen Keating will be contacting everyone with details. New sisters are always welcome!
5. Church Council Nominations are open. Looking for a way to contribute to our church life with your talents? Be a part of LCM’s visioning and decision making on council. Interested congregation members can speak to Ramona Demmon or Laureen Wray about available positions. Meetings are once a month by zoom or in person.
6. Lutheran Church of the Master AGM - Sunday, February 12 at 12:15 pm following church service. A light lunch will be provided by council. Availability to participate will be accommodated in person and byzoom. The meeting agenda, year-end reports and related documents will be available on the LCM website on Jan. 29, 2023 under Church Council Meetings. This sectiom is password protected.
7. MISSED A SERVICE? Please find included here a sermon prepared and shared by Rev. Kimber McNabb who serves Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Resurrection in Halifax, NS. The YouTube link for posting online and direct sharing is here: SERMON