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    • Oct20Thu

      October 23rd Announcements

      October 20, 2022
      Filed Under:
      Weekly Updates
      1. Recurring Dates and Notices
      • (Bi-weekly) Midweek Communion -10:30 am, Wednesday Oct 26
      • (Monthly) Church Council Meeting - Thursday November 10, 7 pm
      • (Monthly) Ladies Breakfast - Third Saturday, 9 am, Ricky’s All-Day Grill
      • (Weekly) Confirmation Classes - Wednesdays, 6:30 pm
      • (Weekly) Bible Study Nurturing Your Faith: Prayer Tuesdays 7 pm at Kemps.
        Weekly study nights will resume Oct. 25.

      2.  KURIAKOS Events
      Women’s Retreat November 4-6; Confirmation Retreat November 25-27

      3.  OCTOBERFEST Potluck and Pumpkin Carving Sunday Oct. 30
      Following service we will be having a potluck of German dishes and favourite potluck dishes. Sign up sheets are at the church. If you can volunteer, contact Karen Keating. Following the potluck our youth will have an opportunity to express their creative talents by carving a pumpkin. Please bring your own cutting tools and sign up to ensure we have enough pumpkins.

      4. Music for Advent
      Historically we have enjoyed the music of our choir during the Season of Advent.  If you an interest in singing in the choir or providing other special music during the Advent season, please talk to Alison Crabb so she can coordinate our efforts.

      5.  MISSED A SERVICE? 
      The sermon for this Sunday, October 23rd has been prepared and shared by Pastor Jane Gingrich, who serves Hills of Peace Lutheran in Kamloops, BC.   The YouTube link to the video for direct sharing is here: https://youtu.be/jsEJiE4nyO4