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    • Nov28Thu

      Weekly Update - Dec. 1st

      November 28, 2024
      Filed Under:
      Weekly Updates

      1.  Recurring Dates and Notices

      • (Bi-weekly) Midweek Communion 10:30 Wednesday Dec. 11. January dates to be set
      • (Monthly) Church Council Meetings – Next meeting Dec. 12
      • (Monthly) Ladies Breakfast Dec. 14, 10 am, 525 Restaurant & Patio
      • (Weekly) Airdrie House of Prayer - Wednesdays 12-1 pm St. Francis Anglican
      • (Weekly) Confirmation Class - Wednesdays 4:30 on Zoom

      2.  Airdrie First Christmas Hamper - We will be accepting gift donations for a family this Christmas. Details about the family are posted on the bulletin board in the foyer: Items must be unwrapped and received at the church by Dec. 8. Please see Lillie Finley or Kathy Williams for more information.

      3.  Operation Christmas Child - Dec. 6, 6-9 pm or 14, 9 am-12:45 pm in Calgary. Carpooling will be arranged. Sign-up sheets are on the bulletin board to the left of Pastor’s office. Alternatively, you can pack a shoebox and drop it off at the church before Dec. 6. Contact Mona Cann for more information.

      4.  Sunday morning helpers needed for the new year

      Many hands make light work! Consider volunteering on a Sunday to help with services – once a month or when you can. See Garth Hein or Debbie Kemp to see if there may be a fit for you.

      5.  Airdrie Community Choir ‘Singfest Christmas 2024’

      Join ACC and friends for an amazing night of Christmas music! Proceeds go to support the Airdrie 1st Christmas Hamper Program. Date: Dec. 14, 6 pm at Crossfield Baptist Church. Tickets can be purchased online or from Velma Wray and Eileen Sivertson.

      6.  Missed Last Weeks Service?

      Not to worry, the podcast of the Gospel and Sermon are  right here... "Rein of Christ Sunday" - Nov. 24th  A message delivered by Garth Hein  WATCH HERE

      7.  Here is what's going on at Camp Kuriakos!